RHTG TECH TIMES – August 2018

August's edition of RHTG TECH TIMES is out. Read Online or Download RHTG TECH TIMES - August 2018 in PDF format.    

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Meltdown, Spectre and You

If you have not heard about the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities announced late last week, you must have been off the grid.  Welcome Back! The

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Reacting to Ransomware – Worst Case Scenario

Reacting to Ransomware - Worst Case Scenario Maybe you've heard about ransomware somewhere but never expected it to happen to your business.  Or may

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How business continuity plans can fail

Just because your IT provider has a plethora of awards and certifications under its belt doesn't mean that you can blindly hand over your business’s

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Are your site’s images hiding an attack?

ImageMagick, one of the internet’s most widely used image processing services, is susceptible to attacks that may put your site at a huge risk of ex

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7 Twitter tactics to get more retweets

Are your tweets not getting enough exposure? With so many other social media campaigns out there, it can be tricky to get the attention of followers i

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Tap into the benefits of the human cloud

It’s an amazing time to start a business and take your ideas to the market more quickly, and at lower costs without the traditional barriers in hiri

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Ransomware Threats in the Air: How to Prevent and Protect

Ransomware in the Air – Strategies to Prevent and Protect Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the latest flavor

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Essential Microsoft Word formatting tips

Microsoft Word is used by over one billion users worldwide, and of those how many are using it to its full potential? Over the years Word has transfor

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Are you sufficiently cooling your servers?

Servers are the heart of most modern SMBs. They host intranetwork data, customer data, and facilitate product delivery. Like any piece of equipment in

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