Social Engineering

Social Engineering Attacks | Right Hand Technology Group | Cybersecurity in Pittsburgh

Right Hand tech can train you to avoid Manipulation

More than ever before, organizations need to ensure their employees are equipped to identify and report social engagement episodes when they do happen. Lacking proper training, your sensitive data may fall into the wrong hands, seriously risking your operations and integrity.

Right Hand understands the dangers of social engineering and can provide your business and employees with education and training to recognize and avoid these threats.

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is the act of exploiting human weaknesses to gain access to personal information and protected systems. It relies on manipulating individuals rather than hacking computer systems to penetrate a target’s account.

Social engagement attacks, taking many forms, occur wherever human interaction is involved. These deceptive tactics exploit human error over software vulnerabilities, placing responsibility on employees to defend against attacks.

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of security professionals say that social engineering is the most dangerous cybersecurity threat.

Most common attack techniques

Social Engineering involves exploiting fear and emotion to trick someone into disclosing
or grating access to private information. Below are 5 of the most common techniques.



Also known as B-phishing, baiting uses a false promise to pique a victim’s greed or curiosity. Users are lured into a trap that steals their personal information or inflicts their systems with malware. For example, people may click on an enticing ad that leads to malicious websites or encourages them to download a malware-infected application.



Also known as deception software or fraudware, these are malicious computer programs designed to trick users into buying and downloading unnecessary and potentially dangerous software. An example would be an offer in a spam email for fake antivirus protection.



Scammers use email, text, or phone calls to win trust and gain access to data and accounts under false pretexts. The scam is often initiated by a perpetrator who impersonates co-workers, police, or other officials, pretending to need sensitive information such as social security numbers or bank records in order to perform a critical task.



One of the most popular social engineering attack types, phishing scams are email and text message campaigns that employ trust, fear, and a sense of urgency to prod victims into revealing sensitive information, clicking on links to malicious websites, or opening attachments that contain malware.



This is a more targeted version of a phishing scam where an attacker chooses specific individuals or organizations to provide sensitive information. Perpetrators tailor their messages based on victims’ characteristics, job positions, and contacts to appear genuine and less conspicuous.

Why Choose Right Hand?

Most cybersecurity firms do 1 thing for your business. We do 3 – which makes us unique.


We Get the Big Picture

Most cybersecurity firms focus on one issue in your IT infrastructure such as network monitoring, creating backups, or disaster recovery. They see only a small piece of your business. We take a strategic look at the whole picture. In today’s interconnected world, managing cybersecurity should not be done in silos. Our high-level experts provide broad, integrated solutions that can meet all of your security needs.



We build a cybersecurity culture, and process plays a key role. We start with onboarding and get well-acquainted with you and your business. Then we move to a system and priority review, followed by a gap analysis. Next, we establish a roadmap and timeline for remediations. We continue to meet with you to offer guidance and assess progress.



Unlike other cybersecurity firms, we don’t hand you a report or assessment and walk away. We meet with your IT and executive teams, explain your situation clearly, listen to your priorities, and show you the solutions. We believe in governance-driven results–evaluating the performance of the measures taken and continually making improvements that align with your business goals.

We Can Help!

Right Hand Technology Group is CompTIA Security Trustmark+™ certified and has been ranked as one of the top Managed Service Providers in the world. Our experienced staff of Cybersecurity Professionals and Security Engineers have been working with various industries on cybersecurity for more than 20 years.